Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sneak Peek: {Miss E}

I got to photograph the sweetest little girl this week.  She’s 2 weeks old and is such a little doll!  She would have been happy to sleep through the entire session, but after several kisses from her parents, she agreed to open her eyes for a few pictures.  Look at that sweet face and that gorgeous hair!  And that yawn…baby yawns melt me. 

Mama and daddy are so in love with their little girl.  I bet if I walked in on them unannounced, they’d be doing exactly what they are doing in these pictures:  marveling at their sweet Miss E.  Honestly, I can’t blame them.  I could have stayed all morning just to watch her, even when she was giving me her “get that camera out of my face” look.  (I’m so used to getting that look that it barely registers with me anymore.)
Look up “glow” in the dictionary, and you’ll find a picture of this new mama.  Isn’t she just gorgeous?  She’s so gentle and serene, and her baby girl already adores her.  I love the shot where she’s burrowing in for a snuggle in mama’s cheek, and she always calmed down when she looked into mama's eyes.  I’m so happy I got to spend a morning with this little lady and her parents, and I look forward to watching her grow up!